Cut-A-Rug D.J. & Dance Enterprises teaches the many forms
of Swing Dancing. Swing is not a dance but a category of several different types
of dances. The primary Swing Dance is the Jitterbug. The Single Time Jitterbug,
Double Time Jitterbug, Triple Time Jitterbug (aka. East Coast Swing), and West
Coast Swing are taught.
Jitterbug Course
The Single Time Jitterbug is the primary dance which is taught
in this course. The East Coast Swing and West Coast Swing are taught occasionally
in this course.
The Single Time Jitterbug (aka: Single Swing) is a 6 beat rhythm which consists
of 4 steps. The first 2 steps are always done on the 1st & 3rd beat of
the measure. This dance is done to the fast swing music.
The Double Time Jitterbug (aka: Double Swing) is a 6 beat rhythm which consists
of 4 steps. The first 2 steps are always done on the 2nd & 4th beat of
the measure. Either a touch or kick are done on the 1st & 3rd beat of
the measure. This dance is done to the moderate to fast swing music.
The Triple Time Jitterbug (aka: East Coast Swing or Triple
Swing) is
a 6 beat rhythm which consists of 8 steps. The first 6 steps are 2 triple
steps done on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th beats of the measure. This dance is
done to the slow swing music and rock & roll music.
The West Coast Swing is a 6 beat & 8 beat rhythm which
consists of 8 steps and more. This dance is the most difficult to learn.
This dance is known as a slot dance which has a forward and backward
movement. This dance is done to the slow swing music, rock & roll music,
and rhythm & blues music.
Step Descriptions and Recommended Music

Click below for
the Philadelphia Swing Dance Society Web Site

Rev: 1/5/05